You don't START your pandemic with ALL your best players... you END with them!
Covid-19 is just that, a "Co", a helper "vid", an assistant vid, a copilot vid, it is a "not ready for prime time" vid, it is the "fluffer" vid for many major molecular level death sprees. The VP to any Prez. The Teller for every Penn. "Radar" to any MASH Colonel.
Mainvid-19 is the one to watch out for. Covid-19 is a mere distraction in comparison. Its only purpose is to grab our attention for the main act.
Covid-19 was only the opening act, and will rate just a minus 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, death rate wise.
Mainvid-19 may end life on earth as we knew it, leaving single cel amoebas to restart that long evolutionary climb to becoming a burger flipper.
In 2021, Public redemption for Republicans who felt tainted by Trump's constant claims that Covid-19 is a scam came when Mainvid-19 arrived in February, and in its first days produced a Twin Towers box score each HOUR. 80,000 deaths every day. The light bulbs shone bright over every Republican's head, Trump had NOT lied about the pandemic being fake after all. He meant only that Mainvid-19 had not got here yet, he created the Co vaccine himself, and whenever Mainvid-19 arrives, it's on Biden's watch!