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A sexy girl that will take you man has a {soft ass}nickname {kedz ,ratchet girl who has a resting bitch face and not to be messed with.If she chats to you on a daily consider yourselves lucky cause its hard to get into her friendship circle .Makeda's have the most beautiful smile that attracts boys she has the best fashion sense . a lovable girl with a curvy body . And every man she had comes running back to her.

"CHEEEEEEEEZE is dat your ting yh {makeda} and dat WOOOII" "Nahhh {makeda}span your jaw fam"

by okbuuuuuut..youstink February 13, 2019

65πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1. An effortlessly beautiful woman with unmatchable, unbeatable swagga.

2. A BMF with an ass worthy of a secret gum shrine.

Makedas tend to be ambitious, persistent, confident and intelligent females, often with wicked style. They love to laugh and are always fun to be around.

1) What? Your crush is talking to MAKEDA?! Just give up now, dude...YOU WILL NOT WIN.

2) Ohmygosh, I HAVE to buy this dress, it makes me look like a total Makeda....

by meggerz777 December 12, 2010

258πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


A person that's best friends with Paris ;3;

"Makeda I'm ur Best friend ;3;"

by Mooimacowcuziam December 14, 2018

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a random half-hump dance move performed on other people at the most random of places

she pulled a makeda on me at the street corner!

by audrey October 19, 2004

47πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


Makeda, is a very one very frustrating person, Makeda is a very inconvenient sibling, she can be very frustrating and really annoying, Makeda isn’t a mood at all, she’s frustrating and very annoying, and is and will always be in love with roblox.

Person1: ugh Makeda is so annoying
Person2: I feel bad for her siblings tbh

by Shaerx April 27, 2020

5πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž