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The coolest mispelling of the word moan.

K': Aww yeah thats how you do it. *maons*
Jenn: *Continues to suck on his fingers.*

by Iconoklastic~ April 19, 2010

13👍 3👎


Try to be fucking annoying and saying the word “man” wrong

Hey Maon are you still there ?

by Charles Smith April 3, 2019


Maon is the word for hot or sexy in Hebrew

Person1: Wow you look so maon today
Person2: Thank you, you look very maon as well

by PussySlayerFoot September 29, 2021


Someone of any gender who doesn’t give a fuck and who acts without thinking. They also like kids and walk around clueless.

Maons say what they want and are loud and boisterous and just have no control.

Woah that guys a maon he doesn’t give a fuck

by Maon February 12, 2022


The concept of Mao Zedong giving out a passionate ahegao moan

Did you see how Mao looked at the other world leaders there? I'm sure he was Maoning

by Leadwyng November 20, 2022