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Marquita is a loving and ambitions type of person. Her bright and fun personally makes her a great person to be around . She is always looking on the bright side and always try’s to work even harder and better at what she do (never gives up) she knows what’s right from wrong. She is also good financially (Money wise) . She is trust worthy, loyal, talented, creative and stunning. All in all she is just a amazing person

OMG I just love marquita Marquita is such a money maker

by Love martens May 29, 2019

129πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A homogeneous mixture of good and evil. Loves chick-fa-la chicken and works hard. Often quiet and composed, and real spunky. Can be described as a rain cloud. Has fits of rage at times, and can also be described as two personalities. A person who drinks alot of tea, or almost addicted.

Woahhhh I cant believe you act like a marquita!

by JBWIFEY February 7, 2010

215πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž


drinking way to much at a party, and throwing up everywhere.

Anne: so how was the party?
Jim: oh man, it was fucked. i pulled a marquita

by rebjen April 25, 2008

70πŸ‘ 212πŸ‘Ž


Sexiest, loyal, honest, mean trustworthy sweetest person you can ever meet everyone should be like her

Everyone should be like Marquita.

by Boo Thingamagig May 5, 2024