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What happens when you eat too much Mcdonalds... regardless if you are male or female. (May come with a McMuffinTop)

To the females - They're not the good kind either.

Rob: Aight Phil, ima go on a business trip for a week. Take care bro.
Phil: Aight Man.
*Phil walks to McDonalds and orders the whole damn menu for a week*
(One week later: Rob comes back)
Rob: WTF happened to you!?!?
Phil: Shit, man I think I might need a bra... I've grown some McDoubleds :(

by WIKITIKI March 16, 2010


The order from McDonald's but with a twist. The word Mcdouble can mean both an amazing burger and when you tie down a friend and hit them twice while saying Mcdouble.

If you don't stop I will Mcdouble you!

by DOUBLED MCDOUBLE August 31, 2021


The McDouble replaced the double cheeseburger on the dollar menu early December in 2008. Instead of two pieces of cheese the McDouble only has one.

Mayor McCheese: The McDouble is driving me out of business.

Grimace: Time to hit the bottle mayor -- I'll be in the lounge.

by tuna fisherman December 6, 2008

88๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just like the McDonalds cheeseburger it looks and sounds good, but you alway wonder 'why did I eat that, it was nowhere near as good as it looked. ' Its that one chick that everyone wants. Only after you sleep with her you wonder, 'Why did that seem like a good idea, she was totally disappointing!'

Steve: 'Dude, that chick you took home from the church picnic was so hot'

Tom: 'Man, she turned out to be a McDouble'

by Antonto Cleavage October 6, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of jerking-off two times in a row

"Dude why are you so sweaty?"

"I just a pulled a McDouble in the bathroom"

by sizzle-fresh April 19, 2010

55๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Uncommonly pronounced McDooblay, the McDouble is a double cheeseburger sold by McDonald's for one US dollar. Consuming more than two McDoubles will cause you to take a McDump shortly after.

Bob: "Yo Joe, I just bought 3 McDoubles for $3... what a deal!"

Joe: "It won't be such a good deal when you have to take a McDump later on."

by hotdog1 February 23, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A low-cost replacement for the $1 Double Cheeseburger. Released by McDonalds in 2008 to help deal with rising food/labor prices, in order to offer a sandwich that still can be sold for $1.00.

Could I please have two McDoubles and a Diet Coke?

by tehchriso December 5, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž