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By product of male ejaculation

I didn't want to knock up Mandy last night so I pulled out and McGrudered on her belly.

by Mr. McGruder September 14, 2009

6👍 6👎

tooter mcgruder

When u let out a meaty ass toot on playstation late at night and everyone hears it

*TooT* oh man that was a Tooter Mcgruder

by Lucas Mcgruder June 3, 2016

5👍 2👎

Father Jon McGruder

Father McGruder, a.k.a. "The Kung Fu Priest", is a character in Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive/Braindead". He always calls for divine intervention and kicks ass for the Lord.

Father McGruder: "This calls for divine intervention!"

Father McGruder: "I KICK ASS FOR THE LORD!"

Guy #1: "What is the name of the Kung Fu Priest in that one movie with Peter Jackson, zombie babies, and the Lawnmower scene?"

Guy#2: "Father Jon McGruder, he kicks ass for the Lord."

by thatoneguyfromdowntheway July 25, 2011


Typically used when Intercourse occurs between multiple people and a single person.

Wow they really got mcgrudered.

by Chickencam October 4, 2020