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v. to rebel; to challenge authority

n. a BAMF

If you make me come to work on a Saturday, I'll McMurphy, no doubt.

Man, what a McMurphy.

by cuckoofan April 6, 2008

30👍 4👎

dumpskin mcmurphy

when you #assfart into "le toilet" and let loose a funky #boomboom.
typically accompanied by a big swig of cillian's irish red.
this was coined by Dogellis O'Shaughnessee, former preist of Vincent's Parish, Vilnius.

broski, i ripped a #dumpskin mcmurphy that rocked the whole continent.
which continent?
"the continent"
you mean europe?
no dude, 'stralia.
i thought you meant 'frica.
who you think you are, a #fartdoctor?
i'm terronce jimes "trip" beguddybetter
i'm Danold Ruckoworth

by trilliam turdsworth July 23, 2022


Suprapubic tenderness possibly associated with STIs.

My patient has penile discharge so I better check for McMurphy's.

by notcram June 22, 2022