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When you take something without consent or a without reason

That nonce over there Mcnabbed my son.

That nonce over there took my virginity

by BattyClapper3000 July 21, 2019


A place in the boon dogs of Ontario Canada. Commonly known as "butt fucking nowhere". It takes a overly long time to get there, and once you do get there, you wonder: "why the hell am I all the way out here when I could be somewhere else?!" The main reason people trek all the way to said place is to pick or drop off a said friend who doesn't have the brain capacity or means of arranging their own drive, so they latch onto you.

Friend 1: "Hey...where are you going?"
Friend 2: "Geez man, Marty is making me pull a McNab and drive him home b/c his mom won't drive here"
Friend 1: "What?! That's crap, I hate it when people pull a McNab on me!"
Friend 2: "Why does Marty have to live in butt fucking nowhere? It's such a hassle to give him a lift. I hate Marty and his McNabish ways."

by Dale'n'Tia December 2, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be Mcnabbed is to be plagued with injury and unable to finish an entire season. Other symptoms of being McNabbed include choking in the super bowl, trying to blame shitty performance on racist sports writers, and having a stupid afro.

" I can't believe he blew out his knee on the first snap of the season,... he totally got Mcnabbed "

by John Detlor September 15, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


When there is not a lot of time left in a game that your team is losing and your quarterback is running the 2 minute offense with no urgency whatsoever.

Looks like Jake Delhomme is Mcnabbing it out there, really taking his time when they need to be hurrying.

by Kermit Sly December 31, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


To barf, vomit, hurl, spew chunks, sell buicks,ralph...etc

Dude, I almost McNabbed when I saw that fugly chick's face!

by cliff27 October 23, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


McNabbing has three definitions:

1) To preform excellent against an opposing force you are expect to lose against, and you are pulling the win right out of your asshole sometimes. However, against opposing forces that are regarded weaker than you and become an "expected win", you just fuck around the WHOLE TIME and then wonder why you fucking lost.

2) To choke at the big game

3) To leave a city/job/team that you are excelling at to go to another city/job/team that might need your skillz homie, then you realize you ain't all that.

Fan 1: Oh my fucking God! It's 50,000 to zero, and we're playing the Detroit FUCKING Lions!

Fan 2: I know man! I don't get why our team is McNabbing it up out there!


Not as good people: HELP! We need your help! Help us!

'Stud': I'll help and become the hero!

Cynical Person: I hope your not going to be McNabbing.

by cee-em-kay March 8, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mcnabbing It

When your team's quarterback has lost all hope and faith in the possibility of winning a football game and he decides to just launch the ball as far as he can at his deepest reciever, which mostly results in a pick or an incompletion. In some rare occassions, a reception is made.

(After Rex Grossman overthrows Santanna Moss)

Shanahan: What the hell is Rex doing? We just called a power!

Mcnabb: Chill coach, its aight. Me and Rexy shared a joint in my Porsche before the game.

Shanahan: You've done that before every game, and even once at halftime, the significance?

Mcnabb: I told him to just huck it up there if we be losin, you know, like what I did with Philly every game, even if we be winnin'.

Shanahan: Christ... (To Ryan Torain) Go run the wildcat, hes Mcnabbing it...

by Hubitcher Kokov February 11, 2011

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