The McSizzle is a self care treatment in which a male places his balls/scrotum on a platform coated in Pop Rocks. Then, he pours a fresh cup of McDonald's Sprite under it to maximize the pleasurable and exfoliating effect of the glucose crystals smacking against his testicular pores.
Hey Mark, do you wanna join me and the boys later for our annual McSizzle?
Hell yeah man, I've got the Pop Rocks and Jorge is off to McDonalds to get the sprite, I sure can't wait for the impending pleasure and exfoliation.
Usually used in present tense-Mcsizzlng this would be like asking what is going or happening. Mc is McDonald’s while sizzle shows that there is always som’n sizzling at McDonald’s when you order your food because you can hear the sizzling.
-What’s mcsizzling?
-Nothin what did you mcsizzle/mcsizzled
-I devoured 20 pixy stix last night it was for the lulz