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{MedBitch} is a definition of a player who plays tf2 medic and is mentally ill addicted to only one player/friend/love one and only pocket them and never heal anyone else because of there 5 IQ and over EGO, don't know how to play the class. usually the {MedBitch} is a whale and will waste there money on Over Pricey Cosmetic to make them look like they are professional at the game but easy to find that there not professional afterwards. easy signs to find out someone is a {MedBitch} is a Female sounding person pockets a soilder, heavy, demo and only see {MedBitch} only healing them in the battlefield not the other teammates around them.

"We Got Ourselves a MedBitch" means that the Team notices a terrible Degenerate medic on their their team and only will heal their fuckboy Teammate.
"Fuck this MedBitch" means your Team and yourself is annoyed and pissed off at the MedBitch and willing to VoteKick the Medbitch off the server, when it works the fuckboy will disconnect the server and comfort the MedBitch.

by Hoovybro2001 June 13, 2023