Source Code


multi editor project
when many people create one thing
usually an amv

1. me and my organization is creating a MEP on sky blue

by never-email-me May 15, 2008

557πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


MEP stands for Multi Editor Project.
This is when a group of people work on the same song, video, like an AMV or MMV.
They work on different time frames of the project.
Can be classified as a collaboration.

1. Oh the AMV? I'm working from 0:00 to 0:30, Stephen is working from 0:31 to 0:42 and ...
2. Me and the guys are making the MMV together.
3. Yo you done your part of the MEP yet?

by I768 January 24, 2013

135πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Military Entrance Processing Stations

I got my balls checked at MEPS today, OORAH!

by 0321 Recon June 19, 2008

114πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


MEPS is a term for Military Entrance Processing Station. Can also be known as the term Military Entrance Prevention Station. This place can either be a good place for an applicant entering the military or a bad experience. MEPS has a way of getting things out of someone that a recruiter could never fathom. No one knows how it's done but it gets done there. This place has different types of ball bag muskets at the ready

Hey man did you go to the MEPS today to join right? No man when I went down there they got it out of me that my mom told me I had asthma when I was younger and I told them. Wow how did that happen? I don't know but I heard that they pulled out the ball bag musket and shot it in my recruiters mouth. Yeah man that's some fey luck if I ain't ever heard it.

by pantyteamaster August 31, 2010

74πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Short for Must Eat Pussy. Also a vagina shaped PokΓ©mon

I MEP right now.

by Trijata February 16, 2019

46πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Mep is used to when describing the sound made when in rush. Often heard in crowded areas, and occasionally heard in public areas like roads, pavements, banks, parks etc. It is also often heard when near groups of animals, especially birds. Commonly mistaken for murmuring. Used interchangeablely with Meep.

It is generally the sound that babies' hear and interpret when someone is talking to them or to someone else.

It's exact definition and origin are unknown, however several sources point to it being the contraction of the word 'Meep', while others say it was originally an onomatopoeia of the sound that the Roadrunner made in the popular cartoon 'Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner'.

Mom : Hurry up now, the bus the gonna leave without ya!!
Child : Mep Mep!! *rushes out of the door to get on the bus*

A busy person on the sidewalk : mep meep mep mep meep meep mep mep.....

A conversation between two people, as interpreted by a baby:
Person 1 : mep mep mep MEP meepmep meep mep mep mep...
Person 2 : meep mep mep.

by AMeptuner January 25, 2021


Just a way to express something funny, or you can say "mep" for fun


by meepomeepmep December 29, 2021