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midnight run

When people abandon their business and/or home, leaving quickly in the middle of the night. Abandoned houses will reveal clues about the former occupants. It is generally considered that people do a Midnight Run because of financial troubles, however it also may be to evade an abusive spouse, or to evade the law.

the mother and daughter who once lived in the building did a midnight run

by truckguy60 November 26, 2010

49πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

midnight run

When a man is reciving a blow job from a person. While he is recving anal sex.The male whos giving anal is giving oral to the person giving the blow job

"lets make a fair three some lets have a midnight run."

by Karshner August 12, 2005

23πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

The Midnight Run

Basically if you’re bored and midnight is rolling around and your whole neighborhood is asleep you go round up all the dogs in the neighborhood and tie them to the tailgate of your car and go ride around for fifteen minutes going on the highway at least once and you have 15 minutes to shlump the dogs and if at least one live you have to go and apologize and tell exactly why you did it to everyone that you took a dog from and give them their dead dog and the one that was left alive you have to slit throat of it right in front of owner so it doesn’t suffer

Midnight runner:(rings doorbell)

(Opens door) β€œsoooo I took your dog on a willlddd ride sorry but it was fun and I was bored”(gives dog to owner)
Dog owner: OH MY GOSH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE(bursts into crying)
Midnight Runner: β€œthe midnight run sir l-m-a-o”

by Dick Cheeze Demario November 28, 2018

8πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Midnight run

Making an alcohol run in hopes of finding a store that hasn't locked up their booze yet.

VA alcohol lock up times are from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

"Crap man this isn't enough alcohol to get everyone drunk tonight, we need to do a midnight run to find some places to buy alcohol"

by Nexven February 16, 2012

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Midnight Run

Going for a run after 12am. (or 10pm on a school/work night)

Dude, I met the creepiest hobo last night on a midnight run.

by Crumikins February 25, 2009

16πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Midnight Maccas Run

n. To round up all your friends some time after midnight and drive down to the nearest 24 hour McDonalds for burgers, cones, apple pies or whatever else the night's cravings bring.

SMS at 1:30am. Must be a Midnight Maccas Run!

by Yaziyo September 21, 2009

25πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Midnight Bun Run

A Midnight Bun Run is a trip in the middle of the night one would make to a location to join another in sexual activity.

Mark-"How was last night?"
Joey-"Dude it was awesome, I went on a midnight bun run to Sheila's house!"
Mark-"Dude, awesome!!!"

by erudd287 May 18, 2010

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž