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The soul sucking institution. Your dreams will go to die here. Nothing will inspire you. This school sucks the life out of you.

Girl: I have to go to school. I hate school.
Boy: Whatโ€™s bad about school?
Girl: I go to Mjhs.
Boy: Oh shit. if i went there I would feel the same.

by MrEarlsIsHot May 1, 2022


sex machine

dammn i just got on that MJH and it was niiicee

by BeeRDee February 8, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


a school in lincoln maine everones dumb as fuck.If one fuck soul desides to bomb it go the fuck ahaed

mjhs is liveing hell on earth. also used in mjhs teches me fuknign nothign

by i have kids in my basement November 2, 2020