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Acronym: "No Judgement, no Reservations, no Abuse." Acts as the equivalent of the Hippocratic oath for mental health professionals or anyone offering counseling in an interpersonal or professional context. Each part of the acronym has its own specific meaning:
- No judgement: Any NJRA counseling offered will be free of personal judgement, aside from any explicitly requested analyses of a given situation that would necessitate it.
- No reservations: Any NJRA counseling offered will be unbiased and unassuming beyond established context and clarifications made. Help should be offered without discrimination.
- No abuse: Any personal knowledge gleaned through NJRA counseling will be maintained in confidence and not be abused for the purposes of blackmail, rumor spreading, or other negligent social behavior.

Person 1: "You wanna talk about it?"
Person 2: "Eh... I dunno..."
Person 1: "No sweat, pal. NJRA."
Person 2: "Huh?"
Person 1: "It's a counselor's term; no judgement, no reservations, no abuse. Period."
Person 2: "That's... oddly reassuring. Heh."
Person 1: "Of course. What's weighing you down, friend?"

by Inlovewithabsol June 21, 2023