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no ego

When you say an egotistical comment, you null it by saying the term no ego. Used in a similar way to gay comments and no homo.

So yea, I've got a great dress sense, no ego.

by Kempo May 4, 2007

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Not who we really are, a social mask, a role we are playing.
The need for approval, the need to control things and the need for external power.
Fear based.

He’s got a big ego

by Bluefunk.Studio May 30, 2019

35πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Relating to thinking about yourself or centering everything around yourself.

Johnny Bravo has a big ego.

by nerd March 16, 2003

1362πŸ‘ 619πŸ‘Ž


Ego is legion, demons inside us, an army of demons triying to use you and your energy to survive.

Ego divides in seven heads, wich explains the seven demons Crist expeled from Mary Magdalene, or the seven demonds Crist expeled from the wild man and threw them to the pigs.
Its heads are the famous seven sins from christianity:

As sons of god we have an escence of our father inside, wich we have to find and encarnate. To do it we must observe ourselves and know ourself and eliminate every thoughts and actions coming from the ego. That reminds me what says at the Temple of Delphos (or something like that) "Know yourself, and you will have knolegde of god and the whole universe".

We are asleep, we live like machines, CONTROLED. People live and die and at the end they didnt even know the purpose of their existence. We must wake up and think for ourselves, not what the ego tells us to do. Eliminate what controls you and find out who you really are, no matter what religion you practice or no.

97% of the thing that comes across our minds is not us, its ego. We must awake our consciousness and only live the PRESENT wich is the only real thing, the past passed and the future is uncertain.

One example of each head, however millions of examples exist.

Why do we have to watch every good looking girl/guy with the intentions of violating her/him? it even happens when we have a girlfriend/ boyfriend.

Why do you want so much when you can survive with only the necesary? Anything you have stays in the grave in the day of your death... remember that.

Who does that guy think i am? I will kill him. I am the best around here i can do whatever i want, nobody can beat me!.

Screaming at wifes in front of kids, killing people for nothing, like recently in my country a guy stabed another guy for a passager, when the ride only costs around 1 dollar.

Eating more than you are supposed to, taking more than you need (anything, not just food).

Girls keep criticizing each other just by watching their clothes, live your life let other live theirs. People wanting the partner of their neighbors, or the car, etc.

I gotta wake up to go to work, while ego in your head telling you: nah sleep a bit more its nothing, you still have time. Having to do a school job and waiting for the last moment to do it.

by Gnostic Student July 28, 2012

233πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


Something that most people who add this word to Urban Dictionary, get wrong.

Ego roughly literally translates as the conscious mind or consciousness of your own identity.

Ego is something that people too often mistaken as a bad thing. If what the majority says is true, then I guess you can say that you're conscious mind or consciousness of your own identity is considered a terrible thing to have.

by djozone March 10, 2011

464πŸ‘ 241πŸ‘Ž


the β€œI” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

I have a really big ego.

by xXSheLLyXx March 28, 2007

457πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž


For materialist world, the ego could provide the evolutive energy but also the destructive energy depends on how you deal with it. For spiritual world, there is no need for ego, there we are only one entity.

Some examples:
possitive ego gives you ambitious to be the best in your field
the negative ego make you to think only to yourself.

by teo November 18, 2003

371πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž