A phrase used to reinforce the fact that something someone wants so badly does not belong to them nor will it ever be given to them.
Little Girl: I want that pony!
Appropriate Response: NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE A PONY. (point to pony) NOT YOURS.
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1. The posessive form of the word "you."
Commonly confused in usage with the word "you're," which is a contraction of the words "you are."
If you misuse the word "your," everyone will know that you're a fucking fucktard.
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If you're not going to write it properly and you're not going to get a dictionary and you're not going to bother learning how to spell and you're too lazy to care, then write it "YOU ARE"!
Your is not a contraction of you are, just as there or their is not a contraction of they are.
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The possessive form of you. Not to be confused with "you're", which is a contraction of you and are, meaning "you are."
I have your book.
Alice: Your dumb.
Bob: My dumb what?
Alice: *brain temporarily stops functioning*
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Utilized by retards that can't spell properly.
Good: Your typing skills are epic!
Bad: You're typing skills are epic!
Other definition:
XxCODIZEPIKxX: omfg your a noob
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First grade chimpanzee for "You're"
1> Your an moron.
2> Shut the fuck up you fucking fucktard.
1> Dar?
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1) used interchangeably to mean either "your" or "you're" by illiterate cretins who can't tell the difference between the two
2) used to mean "you're" by people too lazy to hit the apostrophe key; slightly less reprehensible than the above
1) "youre such a stupid youre stupid falls out of youre stupid." "Ah, the irony."
2) "youre still here right?" "Yes, my apathy-stricken acquaintance."
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