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Acronym that means, "Not Safe for Black Ears" -- in many cases, found in the title of a video that has "the N-word" or something that sounds similar in it.

{From the description of a YouTube video I had made several years ago}

I added, "***NSFBE, NSFW, NSFGE***" (Not Safe For Black Ears, Not Safe For Work, Not Safe For Gay Ears) because the first song sounds like it's saying the "N-word" even though it's spelled, "n-i-g-g-a" and because the F-bomb is dropped at least twice, and I'd hate to learn that you got shitcanned from your job because you were watching the video, the boss walked by, and heard the computer politely asking to have its speakers douched out with soap; the last song has some gay references in it that might not be so pleasant. :-O

by telephony00 March 28, 2024