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Nanny Dog

"A few blokes that find some old c00n to harass, the old fulla might respond with a brisk, gett outaa ere ya nanny dogs" "To describe a dog qunts appearance."

Nanny Dog is a name you usually use to describe a dog qunts appearance. The word originated from Walgett.

by Lizza1469 August 19, 2020

16👍 1👎

Nanny Dog

Often a pitbull, these types of large dogs often have mental health issues from abuse and inbreeding. They can go from teddy bear to psycho killer in a breath.

A pittie shredded a newborn baby because it made eye contact. When will people learn to keep these nanny dogs away from their kids and pets?!

by Ruger57pro&velcrosandals March 5, 2024