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Nctzens often called grass,frog and other green things by the members are Nct's fans / supporters who often clown them in memes but love them unconditionally and will support them for as long as they can.

Girl:Hey do you listen to Nct ? You should, they have bops
Girl2:Of course I've been an Nctzen for a year now and indeed they do :)

by Angelโ™ก November 9, 2019

348๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Person with an iq over 200

I'm a nctzen that's why i was able to do the math homework

by Kinyu March 21, 2023


Horrible, delusional group of people always talking about their non-existent relationship with a neo (NCT member).

Person 1: I heard the new co-worker is an nctzen
Person 2: stay away from them

by hyyuck January 30, 2023

57๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wack fanbase who stan a bunch of flops

โ€œDid you know liv is a nctzenโ€
โ€œReally? grossโ€
โ€œRight no wonder her parents donโ€™t love herโ€

by sageinctrl May 2, 2022

9๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


dedicated fans of the kpop group NCT

"After watching the Cherry Bomb music video, I became a NCTzen"

by ultdsc August 18, 2017

338๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fanbase to a Kpop group named NCT(aka Neo Culture Technology). Though if you dislike the name (like some other people do), you can always call yourself a rice opener ;)

*le passes by cherry bomb MV
Where can I sign up to be a NCTzen?
*le starts walking like you just got circumsized

by popmycherrywithyourBomb;) June 18, 2017

226๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


NCTzens: beautiful crackheads that will support and love the 21 (angels) members of NCT til the end. They love memes, appreciate vocals, visuals, dancers and rappers, and have the highest taste in music ๐Ÿ˜Ž. They're incredibly funny but can scare non kpop-fans.... and even kpop fans xd
And they obviously love all the members uwu

situation with a normal person:
person 1: What are you listening to?
person 2: Simon says that I can't tell you
person 1: wtf? you're kinda weird...

situation with an NCTzen:
person 1: what are you listening to?
person 2: Simon says that I can't tell you
person 1: you'll change your mind if I give to you a chewing gum
person 2: Only if it has cherry bomb taste
person 1: I think we can be best friends
person 2: cuz we hot, we young...
person 2: ...and we're NCTzens ;)

by donkey:v April 7, 2020

87๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž