One of many annoying noises you can yell out your window to annoy your neighbors.
the most lovely and cutest girl made by the pangu god itself, from the planet called perfect world. she was born with remarkable and spectacular power, nicknamed the "pow pow power neiten".
neite = best girl
1. An emotional experience only a nerd gets when excited.
2. Nerd excitement
3. Experiencing excitement due to an activity, event, conversation, or mental thought that is socially accepted as nerdy
John and his fellow group of nerds become neited with the release of the new Star Wars trailor.
Although Susan isn't considered a nerd, she became neited over her purchase of a new official chess board.
1. Excitement between nerds.
2. A respective nerd that comes across something or event that is nerdy and also tingles/tickles said nerds mind, hence exciting the nerd.
Tim watched the first tailor of Star Wars and became extremely neited.