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Nuero-Joncinivitis Inflammation in the amygdala causes neurons to fire of at any given moment; Usually it is caused by head trauma. However the amygdala is involved with your emotions. Usually Neuro-Joncinivitis is caused by head trauma. The nerves firing off at any given moment usually causes Extreme mood swings with anger and creates a non cancerous tumor on the petuitary gland which sends out more GH than needed it will make a person grow abnormally taller, and give their muscles a bigger more buff look. Scientists are still reaching how Neuro-Joncinivitis creates a tumor on the petuitary gland, and it has not been found out yet. If you think you or a loved one may have Neuro-Joncinivitis please see a doctor. But do not worry because Neuro-Joncinivitis is a non life threatening disease.

Hadley Developed Neuro-Joncinivitis after receiving head trauma in a car crash

by Nerpi September 20, 2016