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ˈnʊˌroʊ'kwɪdɪti / Nur•ow•kwid

-noun- / -adjective-

Denoting or relating to the experience or identity of a Neuroquid. In regards to gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation, and sexual attraction that are all rooted in, shaped by, or are deeply part of one's Neurodivergency.

It is a portmanteau made from combining Neurodivergent & Quiddity. From the greek root word "Neuro" for nerve, nervous system, or brain, and the Latin root words "Quid" for "what", or "Quidditas" meaning "the essence of something".

Quiddity is defined as:
"The inherent nature or essence of someone or something", and "whatever makes something the type that it is".

Neuroquid (N) Neuroquiddy (Adj)

"Neuroquids coming together to celebrate Neuroquiddity"

"Considering how many Neurodivergents identify as non-binary, trans, or LGBTQ+, it's not wonder that Neuroquiddity is such a common experience."

"I really love the Neuroquiddity of this artwork."

by Neuroquid June 2, 2021