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Neurotypical is a word used to describe a person who has a typical brain. This not only includes non-autistic people, but also people without mental illnesses, intellectual disabilities or any other neurological illness or disorder such as epilepsy or brain tumours. It is the opposite of neurodivergent.

For a word for non-autistic, see allistic.

Stacey is has a typically functioning brain. She is neurotypical.

Phoebe has anxiety. She is not neurotypical

by Neurofabulous July 19, 2015

367๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term popularly used by people who have been diagnosed or believe to fit the criterias for Asperger's Syndrom or Autism. The term refers to societ's ideal that some people are considered "normal" and some people are not.

A person whoam some Autistic or Aspie considers "normal" is a Neurotypical. The plural form Neurotypicals refers to
two or more groups of people who are considered to be "normal."

Life would be better for everyone if Neurotypicals were honest with one another instead of droping hints and beating around the bush.

by darklama July 9, 2005

585๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neuro-Typical: Individuals whose neurological pathology renders their sensory functioning, social skills and cognitive skills typical.

Neurotypical is a term used by autistic individuals to reference the unique subset of differences that define life on the autism spectrum.

The fact that people born onto the autism spectrum refer to non-autistic individuals as neurotypicals is not an attempt to stand apart from neurologically typical society. Autistic people coined the tern Neurotypical to help us make sense of and find peace within this Neurotypical community that we do not and can not always make sense of any other way.

People suggest that autistic individuals want to be different while claiming to want to be treated as normal. This is wrong. An autistic individual can no more be normal than a black person can pretend to be white. An autistic person demands RESPECT and nothing more from this, neurotypical world. The autistic demand of respect from this worlds neurotypical majority is no more than is demanded any other minority on Earth!

Bob and Jane are Kewl because while they are both Neurotypical they understand my many autism caused life challenges.


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A seemingly detrimental neurological condition with lingual roots in psychologic vernacular describing a common cognitive shortcoming observed in those who are not autistically enhanced. Synonymous with the term "normie," this breed of human is viewed as easy prey and, therefore, often the target of internet trolls.

The term "ignorance is bliss" seems to be an appropriate descriptive phrase for the standard neurotypical.

by Virulent Vox February 8, 2019

35๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is a difficult word to describe because people who are non-autistic beings seem to think it means that being called neurotypical is demeaning

Neurotypical basically means that since you do not have sensory overloads compared to the levels of being autisic and since you can at a percentage that isn't cause by being autistic engage with peers , generally to the level to sense not how to start conflict and to make friends or get peers to understand you better .

You are considered normal brain functioning.

I have read a lot of definitions and people seem to think this classifies you are normal . which in society the word /normal/ viewed as a very wide range of things.

It doesn't mean you're a social butterfly /a 9 to 5 guy who loves to golf /it doesnt mean that its not hard for you too, it just means that youre not autistic and studies go to show a autistic brain develops differently. which factually means your mind and an autistic mind do think differently!

Jane can not talk because inside jane wants to talk but due to sensory overload jane is going into the corner and rocking to calm down , jane tries her best to smile but when she does people look at her weird and she doesn't know why?

Jimmy is. A neurotypical waiter he knows that if he doesn't do he's shift and make people smile to get tips he will not go home as much , jimmy tries to smile more even though he doesn't want to . He also see someone is an eagles fan and uses that to help guide the conversation for a good tip.

by Xsci April 14, 2018

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A term used my by people who fall within the Autism Spectrum. Often mistaken by idiots with an IQ below 50 (i.e. the person above, Enemy of Hypocrisy) as a term to belittle those who don't have Autism.

It's difficult for Aspies and Neurotypicals to understand each other; especially when some green carnation wearing assholes, like Enemy of Hypocrisy, are constantly splitting the gap between the two groups

by Enemy of Idiocy April 27, 2011

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A blanket term used by people who fall (whether by physician diagnosis or the all to common self diagnosis) within the autism spectrum to describe the non-autistic. An incredibly hypocritical term considering their pleas to be "treated equally" yet they insist on creating a term to designate all who are different. Irony is apparently lost to the autistic.

The Neurotypicals need to acknowledge the obvious superiority of the Autistic!

by Enemy of Hypocrisy October 22, 2010

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