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Nishu is usually a girl that has a nice figure and attitude towards people. She is known to be smart,privileged and pretty. Nishu is a helping hand for most people and is funny yet can be serious. She is one in a million.

Ur so Nishu!

by fandom57 August 1, 2018

154👍 19👎


Comes from the Indian Culture. Usually a smart Indian person, who knows everything.

You're white, you can't be Nishu.

by Steven Hawking October 19, 2004

121👍 36👎


1. An Indian nickname

2. The Xbox Live and UVA network gamertag of the greatest Halo 2 player ever.

Oh shit!! Nishu just got an "Un-friggin-believable" and a "Killimanjaro" at the same time. I fuckin' quit!

by "The Great" Nishu January 4, 2005

45👍 30👎


Nishu a common name in an Indian household, often seen slithering around like a snake and hissing when they're planning something very suspicious.

Person 1: Wow, look at the slithering snake!
Person 2: I know shes such a nishu!

by SOULoh April 15, 2018

13👍 12👎