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No shave behave

A tactic used by women to prevent themselves from doing something regrettable when out at a club, bar, party, etc. This involves purposefully not shaving her legs (or other parts) before going out so that she will stop herself from hooking up with someone to avoid the no-shave shame the morning after.

Crystal: Man, that guy was all over you! Why didn't you leave with him?

Kayla: I cant, no shave behave!

by wolf15668 November 3, 2013

11👍 4👎

No Shave Behave

A tactic used by women to prevent themselves from doing something regrettable when out at a club, bar, party, etc. This involves purposefully not shaving her legs (or other parts) before going out so that she will stop herself from hooking up with someone to avoid the no-shave shame the morning after.

Crystal: Man, that guy was all over you! Why didn't you leave with him?
Kayla: I cant, no shave behave!

by lilgiddyupgirl December 7, 2012

2👍 2👎