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(adj.) something true; when someone is telling a story that is factual one says NONFICTION.
synonyms: true story

Person A: "Darian your hair be so fly!"
Person B: "Nonfiction."

by J. Tiong December 3, 2009

27👍 4👎


A more literary truefax..

Person a: Dude. That France? They make good biscuits.
Person b: Nonfictions.

by Kiddae September 30, 2008

13👍 7👎


A true statement

Something that is true

I read a nonfictional story today based off an oil spill in the Pacific Ocean.

by Papii Jaaay March 6, 2016

nonfiction parody

a parody that is based on an actual event and is true

it has been raining in Georgia for a week and a half and it flooded. Some woman 2 houses up from me drowned in the flooded creek. trees have fallen down, and my house has 6 different leaks. I wrote this nonfiction parody off of The Middle by Jimmy Eat World.

Hey, don't let yourself drown yet

It's only in your house you’re gonna drown

And trees fall down

Just swim your best, swim away if you can

And don't you worry that that lady drowned

When you're okay.

It just takes a raft, the woman in the middle of the creek (swimming and drowning)

Everything, everything will be just wet (wetter and wetter)

Everything, everything it'll be a mess (a mess)

Hey, you know they've all just drowned

You know you're doing better in a raft (build an arc)

So don't go out.

Swim right now

Yeah, just save yourself.

It doesn't matter if it's dry enough

For someone else

It just takes a raft, the woman in the middle of the creek (swimming and drowning)

Everything, everything will be just wet (wetter and wetter)

Everything, everything it'll be a mess (a mess)

It just takes a raft, the woman in the middle of the creek (swimming and drowning)

Everything, everything will be just wet (wetter and wetter)

Everything, everything it'll be a mess (a mess)

Hey, don't let yourself drown yet

It's only in your house you’re gonna drown

And trees fall down
Just swim your best, swim away if you can

And don't you worry bout’ the flooded hoods, unless they’re yours

the actual lyrics to this portion of the song are:

Hey, don't write yourself off yet

It's only in your head you feel left out

Or looked down on

Just try your best, try everything you can

And don't you worry what they tell themselves

When you're away.

It just takes some time, little girl in the middle of the ride

(over, and over)

Everything, everything will be just fine (over, and over)

Everything, everything it'll be alright (alright)

Hey, you know they're all the same

You know you're doing better on your own (on your own)

So don't buy in.

Live right now

Yeah, just be yourself.

It doesn't matter if it's good enough

For someone else

It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the

ride (over, and over)

Everthing, everything it'll be just fine (over, and over)

Everything, everything it'll be alright (alright)

It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the

ride (over, and over)

Everything, everything it'll be just fine (over, and over)

Everything, everything it'll be alright (alright)

Hey, don't write yourself off yet

It's only in your head you feel left out

Or looked down on

Just do your best, do everything you can.

And don't you worry what the bitter hearts, are gonna say

by Under Water September 21, 2009

Creative Nonfiction

A style of nonfiction that's often seen with an eye which some publishers don't know what to make of it when introduced into the independent literature circles.

Author who introduced The Cabbie Homicide brought the framework of the macabre into the delivery as a publisher who eventually published him cussed as she noticed it in 2002. It has origins in Gonzo Journalism coined by Hunter S Thompson. Wes Craven believe it or not gave the form visibility on the big screen when he directed "Serpent in the Rainbow." The author, Wade Davis, contributed to Forbes, National Geographic, and Condé Nast Traveler.

The styles range from investigative to feel-good.The style is sometimes seen on wordpress and tumblr when using tags after the second paragraph. The approach is not without it's controversies over the years. Early origins can be in the writings of Daniel Foe as it's origins are in the crime of pamphleteering before the digital age as they were the forerunner of the blogger.

The Stranger Beside Me by Anne Rule is a 1980s example of creative nonfiction as it was applied to true crime. Lee Gutkind founded the magazine for it's name; as the writer of The Cabbie Homicide was getting noticed in the circles as he had a piece on the newsstand in 2008 from a fringe literature journal. They liken the form to jazz (no not the underage science project on TLC but the music form,) the author who introduced the true crime piece likened the darker take to doom metal.

valannb22 as she commented when bugchaser gossip blogger pissed on the cult piece, "What exactly is creative nonfiction? Is it non-fiction or something you just pull out of your ass based on something that really happened?"

Creative Nonfiction has a few names -- literature of fact, narrative journalism, docufiction, and in Hollywood it's coined as Based Upon True Events. Saturday Night Fever was allegedly based on this but the article was later revealed was done by a fabulist.

by illinoishorrorman January 15, 2018

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