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North Penn Marching Knights

A plethora of hoes, self riteous musicians, and like 4-7 actual good people who attempt to try and win the state champion division even though half of the students don't actually play instruments. Those who do play are proud and obnoxious assholes that try to rub their underachievements at the national division to non-marching band members. If you come into contact with the North Penn Marching Knights at a competition, they will be rude, say nothing, and march proudly along like it's the golden age of the 1980s when they were actually good.

Marching Knight: (says nothing and marches in parade block formation with the rest of the group)

Other Marching Band Member: "They're wearing blue uniforms and have said absolutely nothing... they must be the
North Penn Marching Knights

by SaladSpinner December 8, 2018

2👍 8👎