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Oh My Lord Commander!!!

OMLC, Never did She fuck him.

by Bob_The_Builder May 26, 2019

1👍 1👎

OMLC disorder

Stands for Obsessive Mailbox-Lid-Closing Disorder, and refers to the overwhelming/imperative urge that compels you to shut the doors of other people's roadside mailboxes and/or post-office-safes that have been accidentally left open.

(P.S. --- Occasional resulting angry shouts of, "Leave my 0%!$&@!# mailbox alone!" be HANGED --- by thunder, you're gonna be helpful to others whether they like it or not!)

OMLC disorder is debatably not even all that unreasonable or "invalid" an urge, since The Golden Rule would always be solidly behind your actions... you are merely doing what YOU would wish OTHERS to do for YOU --- it would indeed be logical that you would appreciate someone else's taking a moment to close YOUR curbside/USPS mailbox-door if YOU had accidentally left it open, so that rain wouldn't get inside it, or to not only prevent a less-than honest person from stealing just the careless/forgetful boxholder's mail, but also to avoid the thief's reaching his pilfering hand away back into the open **rear** end of the box and stealing the mail from the eight **surrounding boxes**. as well. What's so loony or irrational about THAT???

by QuacksO September 15, 2018


Oh my lord Christ .

"OMLC that's funny!"

by Omqcube December 3, 2015