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one sheet

A full size movie poster. One sheet is the term most often used by Hollywood agents, producers, directors, etc. when discussing the layout of the poster. Probably used in the advertising world too.

The movie sucks, but the one sheet makes it look like two thumbs up.

by irma screenwriter December 26, 2006

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To arrive at the restroom, finish your business, and realize that there's only one sheet of toilet paper left on the roll.

Guy 1: "Dude I totally got one-sheeted after class today"
Guy 2:"Aw gross man what'd you do?"
Guy 1:"I asked the guy next to me if he could 'spare a square'"
Guy 2"...."

by Exalted Templar March 25, 2011

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One Sheet Shit

A trip to bathroom require the use of only one wipe; which, although may be a sign of not having enough fiber in one's diet, it is definitely a wonderful thing.

Steve: 'Man, just had a one sheet shit!"
Phil: "So jealous brah."

by airborne8 October 27, 2010

One Sheet Wipe

One Sheet Wipe are a fictional emotional rock band from East Kent, UK. Led by vocalist Tom Henson.

If One Sheet Wipe actually existed then their gig last night would have been seriously rad.

by Lizard987 October 30, 2008

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One Sheet Wonder

You sit on the can, unleashing a massive load only to realise you have but a single sheet left clinging to the roll. This triggers your one sheet adrenaline, allowing you to use this last sheet with such efficiency that you still manage to get the job done, thus a one sheet wonder.

Dude 1: Dude, that’s the second one sheet wonder I’ve pulled off this week!
Dude 2: Woah.

Dude: Would you believe I pulled off a one sheet wonder only five minutes ago?
Chick: Fuck me right here!

by Infinia December 11, 2015

One Sheet Wonder

A trip to bathroom require the use of only one wipe; which, although may be a sign of not having enough fiber in one's diet, it is definitely a wonderful thing.

Christian: 'Man, just had a one sheet wonder!"

Patrick: "So jealous brah."

by airborne8 February 5, 2011

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One sheet does plenty

The art of jacking it onto a desk, so there is easy cleanup afterwards. Saves the need for a cleanup crew.

I thought I had run low on jonnies. But truns out one sheet does plenty.

by HereticHenry May 9, 2019