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A group of furry enthusiasts who specialize in the writing of sexually explicit yaoi fanfics about Tay Zonday if he was an effeminate fox-man. Although fairly underground, the group gained some notoriety in 1998, when one of the members, on a trip to Asia, attempted to sodomize Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of the wildly popular Mario video game series. The member in question is now a Japanese B-list celebrity, and a hentai manga has been written about the event. The manga, entitled 'OOPU Wa Okama Desu~ Kawaii Neko Loli Sir Kudolot Force Go!', has sold over 123.05 million copies.

Bob: "I just joined OOPU, check out my fursuit!"
Ryan: "Kawaii desu ne?"

by Xilba Adlberg April 4, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A ripoff of FMIE; rejected members who formed together to become what FMIE is, and failed miserably. Sadly, others have taken their example, and created moronic groups that no one else would ever join or care about.

OOPU: the overrated, dumber version of FMIE.

Dude, we're OOPU, way better than FMIE. XDDD

by Orc King February 15, 2008

62๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Like bill and teds bogus adventure, the average day in the life of Ryan and Sam

"dude did you hear about their Oopus day yesterday? Steve ended up in Stephanie's panties and they beat a goat at monopoly"

by Ding Chaveze August 14, 2011

Magnum Oopus

A person's biggest screwup.

Knocking down all the shelving in the parts department was my Magnum Oopus. What a mess.

by Hmd107 December 22, 2020


Itโ€™s like oops
but instead itโ€™s oopus
Also oopusite
The oopusite of yes is no

Oopus I didnโ€™t know if an iguana was a fish or a meat

by Tarquin talks in third person December 27, 2021


A way of saying "oops" but in a weirder fashion.
This is usually used in text, but can be used in person if one already knows the meaning of "oopus."

Person 1: "Hey what'cha wanna do tomorrow night."
Person 2: "You๐Ÿ˜"
Person 2: "Oopus!"
Person 1: "uh.... nevermind, man."

by Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls January 26, 2022