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Oh hott dayummmm!

Zack said, "OHDDDD" as the hot cheerleader walked by.

by gabe-cheeks May 8, 2009

46đź‘Ť 20đź‘Ž


OHD is Organized Human Degradation.

People of OHD are on the opposing side of most issues that people of faith support. OHD people enjoy mocking people who believe in God.

by Dodagood September 6, 2009

8đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž


obsessive house disorder

josh danford, who OHD watches 30 episodes a day.

by leah Hollingsworth February 28, 2009

1đź‘Ť 13đź‘Ž


This is an abbrevation of overly horny disfunction. This is used by tenngers when they get horny around girls. Usually occours when the girl has an attractive body.

Stephen got ohd when a hot girl walked past and suddenly became horny and sexually attracted to the girl.

by Ollykitchen October 19, 2014

25đź‘Ť 10đź‘Ž


Abbreviation of "Oh dear"

Ohd that must have been awful

by Dieemam November 24, 2021


One Hour Diet (OHD), this term is used in a business setting when an employee is NOT invited to a group lunch at work. When an employee says I am on OHD, they politely indicate that they were not invited that is why they are not joining the group. This reduces the stress and embarrassment from both ends ( employee and host ), instead of asking “why wasn’t I invited?”, this gives more room to not feel entitled, and margin to host if they feel more inclined to extend the invitation. This term was invented by Mariam T, and posted by Mariam A.

I am on OHD

by OvereaterEmployee December 5, 2024


ONE HOUR DIET, this term is used in a business social setting to indicate that a member is not exactly invited to a business lunch. So if an employee knows that there’s an invitation a large group they’re going to and they need to politely protect themselves instead of saying “why wasn’t I invited”, they could say I am on OHD. This gives an indication to host or other members that no invitation was received, in a way that protect the feelings of both ends. So host don’t feel entitled, and other end don’t feel rejected.

I am on OHD

by OvereaterEmployee December 5, 2024