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A really disgusting sexual move where the man uses his penis to caress his own mouth to "turn on" a pig. Technically known as doing the orton.

"I just did this sick orton maaaaaaaaaan!!!!, because the pig was annoying me!"

by Lizm October 23, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


To sit and mope while others do better than you

During the last Broncos game, everyone was #tebowing except Kyle Orton. He was #ortoning.

by nuprs November 3, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ortonism is the fictitious religion that worships WWE Superstar Randy Orton.

...and the Orton cometh down to the ring of battle from the crowd of his holy Ortonism followers and smited the heathen Kurt Angle with his mighty RKO!

by Ortonist Prime June 22, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ortonism is the fictitious religion that worships WWE Superstar Randy Orton.

...and the Orton cometh down to the ring of battle from the crowd of his holy Ortonism followers and smited the heathen Kurt Angle with his mighty RKO!

by Ortonist Prime June 22, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Orton is a name given to a person who can be seen as autistic but not scientifically diagnosed due to there use of intelligent language

Orton: intellectual words*
Normy: wow what are you? Some kind of Orton?

by BigUrban69 February 20, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

orton park

a hood located at the intersection of Lawrence Avenue East and Orton Park Road in the city of Scarborough, Toronto. There is an active blood set there but sometimes might run into "wannabe gangsters". their main opposition is Malvern, although not the entirety of Vern beef with them.

Mandem#1: I'm from OP (Orton Park)
Mandem#2: I'm from Vern (Malvern)
Mandem#1: saying you're an opp boy
Mandem#2: saying you're a bawty boy

by bumbaclotpaki123 September 8, 2020

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randy orton

-Son of wrestling legend Cowboy Bob Orton (who was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year, 2005) from St. Louis, Missouri.

-3rd generation wrestler who first appeared on RAW and used to be in a group called Evolution with HHH, Batista, and Ric Flair.

-Now has moved on to SmackDown! due to the annual draft lottery switches.

-Gimmick was "The Legend Killer" where he went around proving himself by attacking WWE legends like Mick Foley...that gimmick came to an end when Randy repeatedly kept losing to undefeatable legende The UnderTaker.

-Finishing move is also his initials:RKO=Randy Keith Orton, Randy Knock Out.

-Good friends with WWE wrestlers, John Cena and Brock Lesnar (whom he trained with in OVW)and Mark Jindrak.

-Seems to be a fan favorite of female fans as many females have screamed loudly for him at arena events and lined up all around to see him during autograph signings.

-Youngest champion ever in WWE history (he beat Brock Lesnar to it-Brock was 24 years old when he beat The Rock back in SummerSlam 2002.

Ex. Randy Orton got brutally hurt during his match with Mick Foley when he fell onto thumbtacks.

by LoganLesnarMarvel August 14, 2005

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