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1. a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.

2. a usually effortless often unconscious assimilation

1. Osmosis, or the topic of osmosis, that is so-so or feels so-so, as you can see "soso" in the word "osmoSOSOis". Osmosis is Pronounced Ohs-Mow-So-So-Iss.
2. A so-so unconscious assimilation of knowledge or a so-so unconscious assimilation of so-so knowledge.

1. Biology student: "Learning about osmosis is so osmososois."
Biology student's friend: "I know, right? You gotta get out of here as fast as you can and then get your osmososois papers done. It's due by the end of tonight. Even the teacher agrees you should go study, but in fact, it's a boring, so-so, class, for so boring, so-so, osmososois."
2. College student: "I just was reading up on some books in psychology in the library. My friend told me to read them. I didn't think I'd learn anything from them, but here I did. Unconscious knowledge of the subject came to me after I threw the library books back on the shelf. A so-so assimilation of knowledge. Not for me. I am getting my degree in character design."

by gatorblade March 21, 2024