Not to be confused with a "top" in homosexual sex, a "power top" is rougher, faster, harder, and oftentimes relentless in penetrating the receiver.
John's ex-boyfriend, Alex, was a top and gentle when penetrating him, but John's new boyfriend is a power top and penetrates him very rough, fast, and hard as a jack hammer.
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During sex between any two people; the person who is penetrating in an aggressive, insatiable, pleasurable way.
When Hosh and I get in bed, I'm the power top...I like giving it to Josh.
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During homosexual sex between men; the person who is penetrating.
When Bill and I express our love for each other, I'm the power top...I like giving it to Bill.
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The equivalent of famous tiktokker Billy Beck, who describes himself as the “CEO OF POWERTOP”
Are you a power top? Yeah i’d let you ruin me like Billy Beck
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during homosexual sex, a "power top" is a "top" who can delay his orgasm for extended periods of time, and or able to maintain his erection long after his orgasm.
When John's new boyfriend Jim topped him for the first time and was able to keep going after he had an orgasm, John knew Jim was a power top.
Joe and Alex didn't believe Keith was a power top until they had a 3-way. Keith kept his erection and held his orgasm as they took turns bottoming for him until they both came.
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An ethereal beauty ready to dominate the universe. It is defined by an excessive obsession over goth , dominant , intelligent communist women. The first case of IKPTD was discovered by AKS (for confidential reasons the name will be hidden).
-Hey how have you been ?
-Dude I cant stop thinking about her its taking over my life , i want her to ruin me.
-Thats the definitely a case of Iri Kwstak Power Top Disorder (IKPTD) , you should get it checked out by a doctor or something.