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Acronym for: Portable Pornographic Surfing Device. Also known as a smart phone.

Get off your PPSD and drive!

by Evenki February 11, 2011


Post Porn Stress Disorder.

After masturbating to some fucked up shit, that intense feeling of disappointment you get as you stare at your screen and wonder how your life got so sad.

After little Timmy beat his dick for the 3rd time that day to "BBW gets it in the bellybutton" he suddenly understood why all his friends had deserted him. Another countless victim of PPSD.

by EFOL February 27, 2018

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Post Prohibition Stress Disorder. You may suffer from PPSD if you aren't used to Marijuana being legal yet after many years of extreme caution.

I walked out of the dispensary and saw a cop driving by and FREAKED OUT! I may have PPSD!

by unklebear March 24, 2021


the ptsd you get from being sent too many dick pics

"ugh another dick pic, i swear i have ppsd after this"

by The true candipop May 2, 2019

PPSD: Post Potter Shock Disorder

Post Potter Shock Disorder. A person with PPSD suffers from psychological shock and numbness to the realization that Harry Potter is truly over. Symptoms of PPSD may include:

-Drawing a lightning bolt on one's forehead or, in more extreme cases, self-inflicting an actual scar

-Re-reading the entire series in the hope that an eighth book will magically appear, then crying when it isn't there.

-Watching all 8 movies in one day

-Staying in the theater long after the credits for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two roll, staring at the screen with a zombie-like expression.

-Constantly quoting the books and/or movies, and shouting spells during moments of need

-Calling up other Potter-heads and discussing their inability to believe that it is over

-Feeling as if their best friend who grew up with them has died

-Planning Harry Potter related events

-Having a strong urge to recreate the movies, film parodies, or write a sequel series.

See that kid over there writhing on the floor crying and hugging a Harry Potter book? Yeah man, he totally has PPSD: Post Potter Shock Disorder.

by PotterFan12 July 17, 2011

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PPSD (Post Pornographic Stress Disorder)

Post Pornographic Stress Disorder, or PPSD for short, is a trauma related disorder caused by viewing incredibly disturbing, sexually explicit material. People affected with the disorder will have reoccurring mental images, flashbacks, and, if unlucky, dreams of the disturbing sexual content they viewed (often by accident). People with the disorder will feel extremely disturbed and often (but not always) oddly aroused, when these mental images occur, causing them extreme stress and discomfort. Diagnosis criteria includes:
1. Having viewed disturbing sexually explicit material (individual's definition of disturbing may very due to different sexual preferences and/or sensitivity to pornography).
2. Have reoccurring flashbacks, and often nightmares, of the pornographic material.
3. Flashbacks and/or nightmares cause the individual extreme discomfort and often sexual arousal from seeing the mental images, causing shame.
4. The content must be "hardcore porn". Mild pornography with somewhat disturbing material cannot be a cause for the disorder.
5. The individual has been having reoccurring trauma from viewing the sexually explicit material for at least one month, and the disorder shows no signs of lessening or causing desensitization to the material.

Friend: "Hey bro, did you see that video I sent you?"
You: "Yes, and I think I now have PPSD (Post Pornographic Stress Disorder)."

by Scientific Definitions March 10, 2016

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Post Pornographic Stress Disorder (PPSD)

Post Pornographic Stress Disorder (PPSD) is a trauma related disorder caused by viewing highly disturbing, sexually explicit material. People affected with the disorder usually have reoccurring thoughts, flashbacks, and, in extreme cases, nightmares related to the material they observed. Individuals with the disorder will feel extreme discomfort, shame, disgust, and, in some cases, arousal when having mental images of the disturbing pornographic material. This can cause the individual extreme discontent with their life, and must be treated properly.
Diagnosis Criteria:
1. Individual has observed highly disturbing pornographic material. The material must show genitalia/partial nudity, and be highly disturbing to the sufferer (individual's sexual preference, and sensitivity to pornography can cause different causes of the disorder).
2. Individual has reoccurring and frequent flashbacks, mental images, and, in some cases, nightmares related to the sexually explicit material they viewed.
3. Reoccurring mental images cause the affected individual extreme disgust, shame, and, in more severe cases, disturbing arousal.

4. The individual has had these reoccurring mental images for at least one month, and the flashbacks show no sign of diminishing or causing desensitization to the affected individual.

Friend: "Hey bro, did you see that video I sent you? *Laughs*"
You: "Yes, and I think it gave me Post Pornographic Stress Disorder (PPSD)."

by Scientific Definitions March 10, 2016