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Neighbour of India.

Women: Where is Pakistan?
Man: Bitch its next to India.

by DJ Gaurav April 17, 2006

3781๐Ÿ‘ 1253๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pakistan, is a poor, south Asian country neighboring India, Afghanistan, China, and Iran. It is rival Enemies of India.
It has a population of 212 000 000 people. 95% of them are Muslim, 3% Hindu, 1% Christian, and more.
Most of the Pakistani immigrants move to Canada, or even the US.
It has been having ongoing wars with India, maybe even with China.
It is also known to be a country with a lot of fake news and crimes, although it is poor, full of crimes, and known to be killing Athiest's within the nation, it is beautiful and has a really unique culture, dancing and food are well known in the country.

Person 1 - Pakistan is my home nation
Person 2 - Cool

by koolduuduuuuuuuuuuu May 18, 2022

77๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country full of Indians Muslims who are still confused about their origins even after taking everything from India ans still think they are Arabs,Persians and torrorist.

you mean pakistani so are you running an Indian restaurant.

by Banana9000 November 23, 2021

90๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pakistan, where most of cs go hackers roam. Watch out in pakistan. Full of pedos.

Harman: yea, he is probably from pakistan

by TheOnlyFaggot November 6, 2017

50๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best country in the world๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ

Pakistan is ranked number one in best country in the world.

by HOIYAAAAH March 29, 2022

48๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Islamic republic of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as an independent sovereign state on 14th August 1947, as a result of the division of the former British India. It lies between 23-35 to 37- 05 north latitude and 60-50 to 77- 50 east longitude. It touches the Hindukush mountains in the north and extends from the Pamirs to the Arabian Sea. It is bounded by Iran in the west, Afghanistan in the north-west, India in the east and south east and Arabian Sea in the south. There is a common border with China alongside Gilgit and Baltistan in the north.

The total area of the country is 796,095 sq.km with a population of 130.6 million according to population census 1988. It is divided into four provinces viz. Sindh, Punjab, North West Frontier Province and Balochistan. It consists of such physical regions as a) the western offshoots of Himalayas which cover its northern and north western parts of which the highest peak K-2 rises to 8611 meters above sea level; b) the Balochistan plateau c) The Potohar Plateau and salt range and d) The Indus plain, the most fertile and densely populated area of the country. It gets its sustenance from the Indus river and its tributaries.

Climatically, Pakistan enjoys a considerable measure of variety. North and north western high mountainous ranges are extremely cold in winter while the summer months of April to September are very pleasant. The plains of the Indus valley are extremely hot in summer with a cold and dry weather in winter. The coastal strip in the South has a moderate climate. There is a general deficiency of rainfall. In the plains annual average ranges from 16 centimeters in the northern parts of lower Indus plain to 120 centimeters in the Himalayan region. Rains are monsoonic in origin and fall late in summers. Due to the rainfall and high diurnal range of temperature, humidity is comparatively low. Only the coastal strip has high humidity. The country has an agricultural economy with a network of canals irrigating a major part of its cultivated land. Wheat, cotton, rice, millet and sugar cane are the major crops. Among fruits: mangos, oranges, bananas and apples are grown in abundance in different parts of the country. The main natural resources are natural gas, coal, salt and iron. The country has an expanding industry. Cotton, Textiles, sugar, cement, and chemicals play an important role in its economy. It is fed by vast hydroelectric power.

Urdu is the national language and is used as a medium of understanding throughout the country. Pakistan is culturally divided into four bilingual provinces. Punjabi is spoken in the Punjab, Sindhi in Sindh, Pashto in NWFP, and Balochi in Balochistan. The country comprises of a vast area that was the great center of ancient civilizations of the world. Its historical sites beginning with stone-age to Twentieth Century A.D are a mirror of the life of its people who are by nature simple, virile, hospitable and hard working. Ancient sites excavated in Taxila, Harappa, and Moenjodaro speak volumes for Pakistan rich cultural background dating back to 3,000 B.C.

Saying of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah

With determination, courage, solidarity and with the help of every citizen we shall make this state a real power. Let us work double shifts if necessary, so that we may make Pakistan a real state and a great nation.

by Mudasar May 7, 2005

713๐Ÿ‘ 775๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country with a very aware and awake civil society, a dedicated working force, a patriotic, united youth; but sadly a country where each subsequent government has been worse than the last.
A country where people are more true to each other and to their land than any other place on earth. Their patriotism is devoid of spite for other countries and full of nothing but love for the land and the people.
A soveriegn country, where everyone is free to follow thier own beliefs. A moderate, balanced country that has never been particularly religious, but has instead been defined by it's rich cultural diversity and tolerence for all kinds of beliefs and customs! Long Live Pakistan! Long live Sindh, Punjab, NWFP and Balauchistan!

Pakistan Zindabad!

by wouldn'tyou? April 18, 2009

1222๐Ÿ‘ 1366๐Ÿ‘Ž