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A place where: you; your mum; and all your family can get ripped-off to oblivion!

Oh blimey, those ****ers at the pakishop, have given me ANOTHER foreign coin!!

by Buddy Cury III August 1, 2006

825πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


The place that can turn your exotic food Friday into the longest super diarrhea week of your life.

A: Have you seen Linda lately?
B: She's still recovering after that couscous from the pakishop.
A: D:

by flyingfuck July 4, 2011

57πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A corner shop.

(The term derives from the fact that most cornershops are owned or run by pakis)

I'm going down the pakishop to purchase some Happy Shopper fags.

by PlugDude March 7, 2005

360πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž


a corner shop

shops include; mccolls, coscutter, premiere and any other shop located on a corner

i’m going to the pakishop to get some things

by urbanking1983 October 10, 2020

9πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


No one truely means to cause offence by saying "Pakishop" the genral description of "Pakishop" is an asian run-convience store. This phrase is used as it is easier and more descriptive than saying "shop" or even "corner shop". Others people understand which store you are refering to when using the phrase "Pakishop" as it means:
"Nearest Asian-run convience store"
but it is a lot quicker to say.

"Just nippin' up the Pakishop for some bread Mom, do we need anymore milk or sugar?"

by LucifersTear July 14, 2005

201πŸ‘ 666πŸ‘Ž


If you really need something quick and with out a licence the Pali shop is the way to go pakishops usually means that’s it’s run by some paki slag for foreign assholes but u can go get some good cheap fags and cider for a tasting

Ma I’m gan to the pakishop need some fags

U not got a licence

Ma don’t need one
LnB blues please

by True_life_story September 11, 2020

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž