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The Islamic Republic of Pakistaliban is a small landlocked country located in the mountainous region of Southern Asia and borders Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Western India.

Modern day Pakistaliban was founded in 1736 by Kashmir Shah Indus, who unified the feudal tribes that had inhabited the land since the fifth millennium BC. Over much of this time Pakistaliban was subjected to invasion from both the east and the west. Consequently, the country has a rich culture that exhibits influences from Ancient Greece, Persia, Arabs (who introduced Islam) and the Mughal Empire. In the 19th century Pakistaliban was occupied by the British, primarily for commercial reasons.

Following Britain's withdrawal after World War II, the country retained a monarch as head of state, although a bicameral parliamentary system, supported by a large bureaucracy, remained in place.

In 1977 civil war broke out following the deposition of the monarch, whose lavish lifestyle and inept economic management crippled the economy, resulting in high unemployment and widespread shortages of basic commodities. After two decades of fighting, the capital fell to hardline Islamic rebels, who established an authoritarian government based on Sharia law. Pakistaliban has since been accused of harboring terrorizers and sponsoring terrorizer activity throughout the world.

Most of the world's terrorizers received their training in Pakistaliban.

by Rockpaperscissors July 27, 2008

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