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A meme streamer who makes the same jokes everyday

Person 1: "Hey ParaDew" is live! Person 2: "HOOO LEEE I can't wait to sayJoel!"

by CEO of ParaCells November 24, 2022

3👍 1👎


Best Genshin streamer of all, unemployed but funny, Memes are his best, he's cute and handsome, still a Twink tho
Emma is the only down side

Twitch: Yo ParaDew Is live!
Me: gotta go

by Kyuri Lindir December 3, 2022

2👍 2👎


Meme Streamer that always gets 33 stars. He has no job and he has no hair. Limbo better.

Type !lore in his stream to learn his story.

Incel King: Hey Paradew, you have no job
Paradew: Nooo streaming counts as a job i promise
Chat: Cry about it lil bro LAMO

by Para's Huge Hog March 2, 2024