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an entrance to paradise; even though difficult for the first time but unforgettable

how about doing paradiso again?

by xalena September 21, 2006

12👍 6👎


A fucked up message board

Hey Bill, I went to paradiso last night and I saw a dick getting cut into pieces! I'm scarred for life.

by lulz December 14, 2006

4👍 11👎


A fucked up message board

Hey Bill, I went to paradiso last night and I saw a dick getting cut into pieces! I'm scarred for life.

by lulz December 31, 2007

2👍 12👎

Paradiso of yo

This is when you have nothing to say or you do not want to reveal anything so you say paradiso of yo this will make the other person confused!?!!

You- so tell me did u cheat or not
Me- paradiso of yo
You- wait what! What does that mean?

by ShadowKitty December 18, 2016