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Passenger Syndrome

The feeling you get when you're riding in a vehicle someone else is driving, where time loses all meaning and before you know it you've arrived at your final destination.

Passenger Syndrome can also be used for when one is going through the motions and not being aware of the life events happening around them.

Honey: Candy, you've got to focus! The show's about to start! Why don't you have your tassels on yet?
Candy: Sorry Honey, I feel lost in the shuffle. One minute I'm getting on the train to the club, the next minute it's showtime.
Honey: Do you need someone to talk to?
Candy: No, I guess it's just the Passenger Syndrome doing its thing again.

by Kerfufflator September 21, 2018

Idiot Passenger Syndrome

The phenomenon whereby the journey of a whole group is spoiled by the thoughtlessness of one individual.

Behaviours include but are not limited to - excessive and indiscriminate MP3 player use. Standing in a carriage doorway and not stepping off or moving aside. Barging onto a carriage as others are exiting. Stopping dead at the bottom of an escalator. Carrying extraordinary amounts of luggage in peak periods. Travelling in huge rustling packs, their vile neon coloured cagoules shedding static like a thunderstorm. Throwing themselves in front of trains in peak time. Bastards the lot of them.

Sufferers of IPS can be encountered on any mass transit system but the London Underground (see Hell) is particularly prone to the depradations of IPS sufferers.

"...and then this complete Idiot Passenger Syndrome got on and stood right in the doorway for two stops. I think he was listening to Craig David. What a wanker. I had to hit him in the balls with my bag just to make him move out of the way."

by hierophant January 13, 2006

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Passenger Seat Turretts Syndrome

Passenger Seat Turretts Syndrome occurs when regardless of how much space you allow for the car in front of you, your passenger involuntarily flinches, shouts, steps on the imaginary brake pedal to avoid what is a certain death.

My wife Beverly and I were in the car, I was at least 10 car lengths behind the car and front of me and they tapped their brakes. Immediately Beverly slammed on the passenger floor board, crossed her arms over her face and screamed. Clearly she forgot to take her Passenger Seat Turretts Syndrome medication...

by Steve the Buckaneer July 25, 2019

Passenger Syndrome

When riding in a car someone else is driving, the anxiety, fear, or hyper criticality of everything the driver does and/or on the road.

Can lead to becoming a Back Seat Driver, or Passenger Seat Tourettes Syndrome.

Passenger: slight vocalization of concern going around a corner
Driver: Are you okay?
Passenger: Yeah it's just a little Passenger Syndrome.

Driver a quarter mile ahead: taps brakes
Driver: Geez relax, your Passenger Syndrome is insufferable today.

by sockpuppetcow June 14, 2022