An individual who plays video games on his or her Personal Computer.
Not to be wholly interchanged with members of the "PC Master Race" in an all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares kind of manner.
I envision a day when Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, handheld, and PC gamers will come together in realization that all are equal and establish a non discriminate brotherhood of what we enjoy - gaming.
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A magazine that talks about games
PC Gamer hates Mad Dog McCree. Also Extreme Paintbrawl. I agree with them.
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1. A British magazine that gives information, release dates, and reviews about video games
2. A person who plays video games on a computer. Prefers PCs to Xbox/Playstation for reasons like stable controls, RTS games, and more control keys.
PC gamers aren't necessarily noobs. They just prefer a highly flexible, stable platform for gaming.
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Someone who plays games on a pc. They usually get hated on by console gamers for being snarky and rude, but only some are like that. Really the console gamers are being just as bad for hating on pc gamers in my opinion. Stop hating on pc gamers. Console is just as good as pc. Pc is just as good as console.
I'm a pc gamer, personally I prefer console
Console Gamer: Fuck you pc gamer
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An elitist douche who thinks most console gamers dont own a gaming PC, which is not exactly that expensive as they claim it to be. You can find them harrasing developers and other gamers on social media moaning about why this or that game is not available on PC.
On a Rockstar Games Facebook Page:
Gamer: GTA V is awesome! Thanks Rockstar for the free DLC's.
PC Gamer: hey Rockstar when will it be available on PC? ..PC master race!
Rockstar: GTA V will require windows 9.1, DRM, and no Mod Support, and 100 GB RAM only to start the Game.
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Informed and eager gaming hobbyist who has logically found and uses the best gaming platform, PC. The interesting and dissapointing aspect of PC Gamers is how maliciously, ruthlessly, and ridiculously hated they are by other gamers. Stereotypes like PC gamers=fat lifeless, basement dwelling, virgin nerds are almost accepted fact by console gamers desperately upset over PC superiority. Statement of fact supporting PC Gaming is often met with racist, hateful, ignorant, and even threatening responses. The worst part is that these console gamers prefer their platform mainly because of misconception and ignorance. For instance:
Consolers don't play PC because:
-costs thousands
-don't like to sit close up on a desk
-tiny displays/monitors
-games only look "slightly" better
-PC Gaming is too difficult to learn from a technical standpoint
-A GREAT PC only costs $800-900, MAYBE $1,000, and a more than adequate one can be as cheap as $600
-You can hook up gamepads and large HDTVS to your PC in the living room, its called a "home theater gaming PC" if you want to play on a couch
-Games can run at more than twice the resolution, contain more content, be cheaper, have free mods (user-made DLC) content, run at much better framerates, and have larger multiplayer matches with free multiplayer service.
-maintaining a non-custom gaming PC is NO MORE DIFFICULT than upkeeping the non-gaming computer you are using to view this site.
12 year old console fanatic: "OMG Uncharted is the best looking game EVAR, and COD MW3 is the most advanced multiplayer game EVAR!!"
PC Gamer:" you have obviously never played Crysis 1 on max PC Graphics, or BF3, or ARMA 2"
12 year old console fanatic: "GTFO lifeless PC fag fuck you and your mother die of AIDS!!"
PC Gamer:"Fuck you I play PC, and I'm a PC Gamer, screw you if you are gonna be a child about it!"
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Generally an elitist moron who claims that a Personal Computer is the best platform to play video games on. They say this because they are able to modify their systems to their liking.
They also claim this despite the fact that PCs generally have fewer exclusives, smaller screens, higher costs, as well as having both glitchier and delayed versions of games that are available on multiple platforms.
Most PC "gamers" are actually just tech enthusiasts, not gamers, as they don't actually care about games, only about their rig.
PC Gamer: I can run this game at 213 FPS!
Actual Gamer: Cool. What's the gameplay like?
PC Gamer: Game what?
Actual Gamer: Ugh, another PC "gamer".
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