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Usually referring to your internet, or e-penis.

Wow since i've purchased this Radeon 9800 Pro video card my e-penis is off the charts!

OMGHI2U2, would u like to see my pen0s?

OMG E-Pen0s Huge++!!!1

by Anarchy_Creator September 26, 2003

19👍 16👎


Net lingo (or l33t sp34k) for the word PENIS

wanna see my pen0s? w00t!!!11one

by Ricky Roma October 27, 2005

9👍 17👎


an object, a word that you use when you cant remember what to say.

i hate that stupid.... pen0s

by thatREALLYoldGOATse'R May 21, 2003

4👍 33👎

pen0s face admin

A(n) individual(s) who runs a web server who tends to draw alot of attention to themself thus provoking their peers to mock and redicule him/her.

e.g. I am so tired of that pen0s face admin banning my friends.

by John Kimble September 10, 2003

4👍 6👎