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Penn Relays

The Penn Relays is a track and field event held in Franklin Field in Philadelphia, PA, and it is hosted by the University of Pennsylvania (UoP) each year. Only the best in track and field go to the Penn Relays. The competitors are from throughout the continent of North America, including Jamaica. There are around 300 events in 5 days of competing at the Penn Relays.
Many Olympic competitors were/are noticed in the Penn Relays.

Sarah: My team got into the Penn Relays!
Carolyn: Wow! Great job, you guys must be really fast!

by SpasticPancreas January 27, 2008

54👍 11👎

Penn Relay

Skipping school; started by a group of track runners at a high school as a fake event during school hours so that they could skip

Person 1: Did you hear Danielle is running the Penn Relay?

Person 2: Yea, she rubbed it in my face all day.

by Nadnerb7 April 22, 2010