A Percival7 is the most British person you can think of, bathed in tea, stuffed with crumpets and wakes up to God Save The Queen every morning. Percival7s typically have a brother named Winston and or a sister named Elizabeth, they enjoy cricket and retaking British colonies in the game of RISK, and enjoy having long conversations about why they are more proper than you. If a Percival7 is a Nilsemand as well, they will most certainly build massive Minecraft battleships and be a "Jolly gud ol' chap 'avin' a smashin' toime bil'in mai blawks an' all 'at innit". They eat sleep and breathe Britain, their great grandfather fought the Zulus and the Germans and they can't go one day without saying oi. This is a Percival7.
Tom: "'Allo Gov'na, wot yew bin up tew yew havez, bloo'y 'ell mate yew cant naught see a bleedin' twen'y kippers a'ead o yew innit chap"
Tom's friend Raji from India: "I do not know what you are saying Tom, you are acting very much like a Percival7 right now"
Tom: "Oi mate this be woi yew people need a goo' ol' lesson in civili'y an' all 'at, it's a bloo'y good thing we fixed the world we did"
Tom's friend Raji from India: "You can't even speak English right you're definitely a Percival7 my friend"