home of the greatest athlete alive, yes it's Stacey. Many people hate her, but that just adds to her greatness. If you play against her don't even expect to win. Also in Petersburg, every where you turn there is a cornfied of tractor. Also if you see someone spit, its most likely brown(from chew). Do not come to into this town during the summer without a boat, you will just be screwed. It is also the home of the biggest jackass ever (stacey sinclair's boyfriend) Tim, he thinks he is the coolest kid ever, newsflash your not. GET OVER YOURSELF! he also wears a gayass elbow sleve when he plays basketball, it just looks dumb. Back to Petersburg, alot of cool people live there, but these people do not include PORTA High School (besides Stacey). The band as sucked ever since the class of 93.
1) Lorna: "Caitlyn, your gaurding Stacey."
Caitlyn: "I hate that girl."
Lorna: "Why?"
Caitlyn: "She beat me at State, in High Jump"
2) "Whose that douche with the elbow sleeve?"
3) "Where is everyone at in Petersburg?"
"At the lake."
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Hooking up with your girlfriend in the back seat of your buddy's car as he drives you both home. It takes a true bro to allow another bro to Petersburg.
Christy and I were Petersburging last night as Andy drove us both home
The second largest city in Russia. The most populated city in the world situated so far north. Also the one with the world's deepest underground. Founded 1703, became a capital 1712. Located on the shores of Baltiysky's Bay.
Has some beautiful architecture in the old city center. People there considered to be rather cultured in part due to the fact that there are many museums, theaters, opera houses, libraries, universities located in the city. But also known for its street culture. (check out the band Leningrad, which got its name from the city - during the Soviet times it carried the name of Lenin - was called Leningrad ('the city of Lenin').
Let's visit Saint-Petersburg in the summer so we can walk at night and not get mugged as it's light!
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As well as the city in Florida, USA, it is also a big city in Russia (the second after Moscow according to the population). Founded in 1703 by Peter the Great (czar and the first EMPEROR of Russia). Sometimes called the Venice of the North or the Northern Venice. It was the capital of the country from 1703 and up to the October Revolution (if not mistaken :)). Often colled the Northern capital (of Rusia). White night and the Hermitage museum, St. Isaac Cathedral, the Russian Museum, and so on
The white nights in Saint-Petersburg are unforgettable!
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Argueably the most beautiful city on the west coast of Florida. Population around 300,000 people, founded 1888. Named by Petr Demen for his hometown of St. Petersburg, Russia. Home to SPC and USF- St. Petersburg as well as the Salvador Dali museum and headquarters to Progress Energy Inc. Across Tampa Bay from Tampa, South of Clearwater, and North of Sarasota.
A city of the West Coast of Florida.
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City on the west coast of Florida. Founded in 1876.
Current Population: 248,232, mostly old people.
Across from Tampa. Usually shortened to St. Pete or Da Burg. Gets really hot during the summer and can get down to 37 degrees in the winter, which is deadly cold to its residents.
also, has all the hot babes.
A conversation that happens in Saint Petersburg often:
Jim: Dude, lets go to the beach.
Dave: Which one?
Jim: Well, we could go to Reddington, Clearwater, or Indian Rocks...
Dave: No, man, let's go to saint pete beach.
Jim: you're right, saint pete does have all the hot babes.
Dave: and old people...
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This town is home of the baddest motherfuckers around and the best standing buildings around If you donβt visit this town your dumb asf just donβt talk to the streetwalkers and everything will be fine...
Damn did you see that Reggie guy walking up the first street like a pimp in Petersburg ky