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A 9ft tall Swedish man that all Vikings wish they could be he you should subscribe to him on YouTube

Wow pewdipie is the absolute greatest YouTuber

by Subscribe to pewdipie February 19, 2019

92πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


a youtube that should have more subscribers then T-series bc T-series hate his bitch lasagne and bitch lasagne is everyone’s alarm sound

pewdipie is better then T-series

by wowza666 June 8, 2019

19πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

sub to pewdipie

do it now

jerry does not like floor gang

sub to pewdipie

by Robofin June 16, 2020

subscribe to pewdipie

subscribe to pewdipie subscribe to pewdipie subscribe to pewdipie subscribe to pewdipie subscribe to pewdipie

friend 1: "hey bro did you subscribe to pewdipie?''

gay person: no
friend 1: no wonder...

by peta is trash February 27, 2019


a normie who said the next word on stream (whiteset of white)

yo i saw a pewdipie in public today

by Dain_ollieboi_YT March 16, 2020

1πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

pewdipie vs bridge

"NANI someone has knocked down my tomodachi!" Says Pewdipie "Pewdipie." says shin yu "go on without me" shin yu says the man shoots him "NOOOO!!! BOKU NO TOMODACHI" Pewdipie says "What a kuso nejiuri" Pewdipie says "Im sorry tomodachi but what the fuck"

Its the battle of pewdipie vs bridge

by Vector X3 November 9, 2020

pewdipie vs t series

a battle for subscribers that will end with WW3 and (hopefully) the rise of communism to defeat the horrible t series empire

i shot my neighbour over pewdipie vs t series, he deserved it

by Communist boi 68 plus 1 March 21, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž