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1. Innocence and pure heart, a guy who makes magic to feel real

2. He will teach you how love feels like and will make you be someone when you were just nobody

3. He changed my world with one smile, he took my heart with one kiss

Philippe made me feel alive again and experience for the first time the real love

by new-someone February 8, 2010

1241πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful human being with no imperfections. Everybody loves him, he knows that and is not arrogant about that at all. He is in fact extremely humble to the point where nobody is better than he is. He is well known in the ends for having a big willy and being a man of taste and high IQ.

Omg Philippe is so much better than Maylia at English.
Tallulah is the opposite of Philippe.

by TheRealMashmal October 18, 2021

35πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


French origin-
1. Usually under the influence
2. Very social but timid when it comes to girls.

That philippe boy is so crazy, but he never talks to girls he likes!

by Bob March 18, 2005

281πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


Very social but timid when it comes to girls. Sometimes can be influenced by others because does not like to dissapoint others. Is of an Innocence and pure heart, a guy who makes reality feel magical.

As sensite as Philippe

by amoureuse February 12, 2010

120πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Philipp with an e on the end that stands for extraordinary, excellent, exquisite, experienced and exceptional in all ways. Philippe is hot and amazing and generally good at everything. He can motivate his peer while still driving himself to victory. He gets all the ladies and they're nudes, there's no stopping him.

Have you seen Philippe he's really extraordinary !

I know his name should be Philippe instead!

by whowouldknow1234 May 5, 2022


A wonderful person and the best boy that exists.

HeΒ΄s intelligent, handsome, athletic and funny.
You should keep him in your life. He will always take care of you.

He will always love you, maybe as a friend, best friend or lover. You can sit with him on a roof and talk about life at 2 A.M. HeΒ΄s the one you will be happy with because heΒ΄s funny, cute, romantic, and loyal. Even if he hurts you, he will never stop thinking of you because you are important to him.

He has an amazing taste...in music, clothes, food, everything.
The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you and the way he laughs, itΒ΄s just perfect.
Keep him in your life.

Girl 1: "Wow, he looks adorable. Who is that?"
Girl 2: "Oh, you mean Philipp? HeΒ΄s just the best person that exists."

by lalapeyton January 30, 2017

489πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Literally God.

Philipp is God.

by Hwkdgsjdh August 11, 2018

425πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž