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A dumbass's way of spelling Filipino

Pinoy57626: Dumbass.

by DamnRicers March 29, 2005

342πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


The way of spelling for people who can't spell the word filipino correctly.

PERSON A: Philippinos are cool!
PERSON B: Don't you mean "filipino" ?

by Jon-jon September 20, 2006

214πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


The way an idiot tells you to spell 'Filipino' even when you're of (partial) Filipino descent and have known how to spell it ever since you could read.

~Given scenario: conversation over text~

P1: Hey! My Filipino cousins are coming to town, we're going to lunch on Saturday. Wanna come?
P2: Sure. Btw thats not how u spell philippino
P1: I'm half Filipino and I've known how to spell it my entire life. It's spelled with an F.
P2: Well I mean philippines is spelled with a ph so its spelled philippino
P1: FUCKING DUMBASS. Alright, nvm. Just forget I said anything. I'm not inviting you.

by Sarcastic_Dickhead December 29, 2017

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Sexy JIb*........

Marvin the Sexy Philopian!!!!!

by Laura the mexi-korn January 17, 2004

19πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

philippino footlong

A Philippino footlong is an Asian/Philippino man’s penis that is 1 foot/ 12 inches long.

Person 1- did you hear that Andrew has a Philippino footlong?

Person 2- makes sense, he’s Philippino.

by Adam Standley January 28, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Philippino Crab Walk

The most skillful martial art in the world

I'm the master of the Philippino crab walk

by Philippino Crab Master January 24, 2019

philippino cheeseslide

When you let smegma build up and then turn it into a crisp cracker and feed it to your pal

Oh hey I gave so and so a Philippino cheeseslide.

by Skinny_ßenis March 8, 2018