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Picante sauce is hot. This word refers to a person male or female who is hot, good looking or attractive. Extra spicy could mean the person is a perfect 10.

Cute guy/girl walks into the store and I look at my friend and say "Picante."
Friend agrees and says "Mild, Medium, Spicy or Extra Spicy"

by Baezzz October 17, 2019


Picante is the green power ranger in Power Rangers. He is also featured in another film. Bed, Breakfast, Murder: Picante the Green Power Ranger.

Hey Picante, are you ready to kick some ass?

by featherheadress April 28, 2010

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same as bahaji but different name

kinger: whats a picante
Nick; ask pendleberry

by mike April 23, 2004

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picante pants

A friendly, yet derogatory term for one of Hispanic descent. (origin South Park)

We don't want any fucking oranges, picante pants!

by captain_jackass101 April 7, 2010

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

picante butt

When pooping, your butthole feels like it is on fire due to the consumption on spicy foods.

Man, those hot wings gave me picante butt!

Sorry I'm late, I had to sit in the tub because I had a bad case of picante butt!

Dude, that habenero pepper is going to give you picante butt!

by Wabatucky Reds September 28, 2011


when you take a dump on a girl's chest, let it dry, and take the dried crap, dip it in picante sauce and make her eat it.

i gave da b!otch a picante burrito.

by White Knight December 12, 2003

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Culo Picante

A spicy, savoury meal meant to be shared between lovers, often as a gift meant to further their relationship. This can also be an action, but regardless, to provide a culo picante is to make love to your partner’s soul in a life changing way!

After performing last night I brought a fresh batch of the very best culo picante for my girlfriend, she’s never been happier and actually proposed to ME last night! Gee willikers!

by Eggingmyownhouse January 2, 2019

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